Splicing Tools
The only tools needed for splicing Kenyon Braided Carrier ropes are a Kenyon splicing needle or fid and a sharp knife, making splicing a simple and quick operation. The fid or needle holds the rope tight so there is no tape required, please see our online splicing instructions for braided ropes with or without centre core.

William Kenyon Safety Knife
Preventing cut accidents is a major safety issue in all paper mills. Open blades are usually the biggest source of these first aid incidents. With this in mind, William Kenyon have introduced a special safety knife for use with Carrier Ropes.
- Our unique Safety Knife has a 9mm mouth capable of cutting up to a 13mm rope. The stainless steel blades can be both reversed quickly and easily replaced. It provides a quicker, cleaner cut than most standard knives.
- While it is possible for a finger to be placed near to the blade, the risk of a stab or slashing injury is eliminated because of the protective plastic casing.
- The William Kenyon safety knife is the safest tool to use during splicing and cutting the majority of Carrier Ropes. It provides a really clean cut, minimising frayed rope ends and making the rope easier to work with.

Rope Carts
Our heavy duty rope cart is user friendly and the safest method to help feed the ropes through the machine. It will accommodate two reels of Kenbraid Premier rope.

William Kenyon & Sons (Ropes & Narrow Fabrics) Limited
P.O. Box 33
Chapel Field Works
SK14 4RP
United Kingdom
Registered in England No. 600891
P.O. Box 33
Chapel Field Works
SK14 4RP
United Kingdom
Registered in England No. 600891
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